College of Charleston College Republicans

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College of Charleston

College Republicans Constitution


Article I.  Name and Affiliation


SECTION 1.    The name of this organization shall be the College of Charleston College Republicans, hereinafter referred to in this document as the College Republicans, or CR.


SECTION 2.  The College of Charleston College Republicans shall be the recognized campus affiliate of the South Carolina Federation of College Republicans, and of the College Republican National Committee, and shall be subject to and abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Resolutions thereof.


Article II.  Purpose


SECTION 1.  To make known and promote the principles of the Republican Party among members of the College of Charleston campus and community.


SECTION 2.  To aid in the election of Republican candidates at all levels of government.


SECTION 3.  To encourage and assist in the organization and active function of the Republican Party at local, state and national levels.


SECTION 4.  To develop political skills and leadership abilities among Republican students as preparation for future service by them to the Party and community.


Article III.  Officers


SECTION 1.  The officers which comprise the College of Charleston College Republicans shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


SECTION 2.  All officers shall be elected at a regular College Republicans meeting between April 1 and April 30 of each year, to be announced in writing to all members not less than two weeks in advance.


SECTION 3.  Nominations of candidates for office in the College Republicans shall be made from the floor by any member in good standing.


SECTION 4.  Officers shall be elected by a majority of those present and voting.


SECTION 5.  Vacancies occurring among the officers shall be filled by the election of the Executive Board at the first meeting following the occurrence of the vacancy, provided however that notice that election is to occur must be included in official notice of the Board meeting.  A person elected to fill a vacancy shall serve as officer until the next annual election. 



Article IV.  Executive Board


SECTION 1.  There shall be an Executive Board, which shall govern the College Republicans.


SECTION 2.  The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the College Republicans.  The Chairman of each standing committee shall be a voting member of the Executive Board.


SECTION 3.  The Executive Board shall introduce, approve and implement all actions and activities necessary and proper for the functioning of the College Republicans and not inconsistent with this Constitution or Bylaws.


Article V.  Membership


SECTION 1.  Any person affiliated or associated with the College of Charleston Community may apply for membership.  Membership application information may be obtained from the Secretary.


SECTION 2.  Annual dues are required for membership in the College Republicans.  The Executive Board shall set the amount annually.


Article VI.  Impeachment


SECTION 1.  Any officer who, during his term in office, has demonstrated disloyalty to the Republican Party, negligence or incompetence in the performance of his prescribed Constitutional duties, or willfully impeded the College Republicans program, may be impeached and removed from office.


SECTION 2.  Specific charges against the impeached officer must be approved by absolute majority of the officers of the College Republicans, excluding the officer being impeached, at a meeting of the Executive Board.


SECTION 3.  From the approval of the charges until the next meeting of the Executive Board, the impeached officer shall remain in his office and be allowed to prepare his defense to charges.


SECTION 4.  At the first Executive Board meeting after the meeting in which the charges were approved, an officer or other person selected by the officers shall present the charges and the impeached officer shall present his defense.  Following these presentations, the impeached officer may be removed from his office by a majority Executive Board vote.



Article VII.  Parliamentary Authority


SECTION 1.  The parliamentary rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the College Republicans in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution nor inconsistent with the Constitution or Bylaws of the South Carolina Federation of College Republicans or those of the College Republican National Committee.



The College of Charleston College Republicans consists of over 100 College of Charleston students.  Our main goals are to spread awareness to and enrich core Republican principles, register more Republican college students, and make a difference in today's world.  We want everyone to get involved in the elections-- especially the 2008 Presidential Election.  South Carolina is a main state in the Primary Election, and it is going to be an exciting time to be involved in politics!


The South Carolina College Republicans

"The mission of the South Carolina College Republicans is to allow conservative college students from across the Palmetto State to be both politically and socially active with other students who share their conservative ideals. We are committed to making a difference by engaging in campaign volunteer oppurtunities, educating our peers by sponsoring lectures, and defending our values in the classroom each and every day. In 2004 our organization helped make sure that South Carolina would have two Republican senators for the first time since Reconstruction, by providing hundreds of volunteer hours each week. In 2006 we will work just as hard towards making sure that ALL of South Carolina's constitutional officers are Republicans. College Republicans will also be working to increase our majority in the South Carolina House of Representatives and to elect Ralph Norman to Congress in the South Carolina 5th district. We invite you to join 'The Best Party on Campus'!"

College Republican National Committee

College Republican National Committee Constitution

"The primary purpose of this organization shall be the formation of the programs of the Republican party aimed at students attending educational institutions of collegiate rank and the provision to college students of a vehicle for affecting and influencing the Republican Party.





College of Charleston College Republicans does not endorse any specific candidate.

College of Charleston College Republicans
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